A series of posts describing our shift towards Technocracy

Humanity is undergoing a global shift away from freedoms and self-determination, and towards a planned, less human existence.  This shift has been happening for decades, but the ‘reset’ from 2020 to 2030 represents a ratcheting effect to push us into this new world such that we will not want to return to the old normal.

The new world, foreseen for more than 100 years, represents all aspects of technocracy.  Planners work on these shifts in terms of decades, and so it is only when abrupt shifts occur do some minority of the people take notice.

My motivation for recording these thoughts and descriptions is just to provide a start point for anyone who wants to find out more about what is going on.  Most who are either ‘awake’ or ‘asleep’ are already quite comfortable in their world-view and how it fits into their lifestyle.  And both groups feel that the other is wrong or misguided.  The main dividing point for Westerners is the complete non-starter position that our governments are working against us, not for us.  Rather, they are implementing a system ‘for the greater good’, which means punishing and attenuating Western populations for some other ‘greater good’, which is not discussed.  If you are more open-minded and accept our governments are not acting in our best interests, and implementing some other plan or system, then that is what this site is for.  These changes are aimed more at the young (around 30 and under), in that more of the elderly still obediently watch the mainstream news and trust their governments.  Some in the middle are suspecting there is more going on.  And a large part of the youth segment is already primed to virtue signal their compliance to the group, helped along by parents who cannot fathom that their governments would ever work against them.

If nothing else, it is similar to being shown a gigantic ‘org-chart’ of the world and how it is being run.  Many would want to know this if they were in a company or business.  Then again the majority, just like being in a company, don’t want to know and just want to get along to survive.  Knowing this would at least help younger people figure out what we are giving up, and what the new system may look like, and how to best take advantage of it.  This, versus simply following all government rules and guidance for all aspects of life since ‘hey, trust your government’.

For decades, intellectuals, planners, and leaders have described technocracy as the only system of organizing humanity as we head towards 10 billion inhabitants by the year 2100.  All other systems – socialism, communism, democracies, republics, autocracies, dictatorships – have proven to be of limited life.  The nation state, free market liberalism, and access to capitalism for all will need to give way to a centrally-planned system of ‘communitarianism’ for the masses, and hyper-capitalist control of resources (and therefore wealth) for the small fraction of elites and their managers.

Of course this will all be done ‘for the greater good’.  That greater good has been decided, and not debated.  By 2030, via cycles of crises, most likely the majority of humanity will end up blissfully unaware of these shifts, and come to like the conveniences of technological life versus the perceived hassle of the old normal.