Big Picture: Why ‘They’ Are Doing This


Big Picture: Why ‘They’ Are Doing This


The pandemic is being used to accelerate changes in society that have been planned for some time.  ‘They’ are doing this for control.  To increase control of capital and resources, to increase control of populations and their movement and behavior, to increase control of economic activity, and to further divide society into more dependent citizens and elites.  There are dozens of changes being made to take advantage of this crisis – I liken them to a ‘grab-bag’ of projects and changes that have long-since been desirable to implement, just waiting for the right crises.  ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste’.  This is similar to the concept of ‘political capital’ that politicians use regularly.  That is, keep ideas, scandals, black-mailing material always at the ready to be spent/launched for a later time when the environment is ready for it.

By looking at what is being implemented from the top down, rather than looking from the pandemic details and up, it becomes clear what is being done.  The main outcome desired is increased control of people and their movement and behavior.  The list of desired outcomes and changes are more targeted to Western nations than others but the whole world will be moved:

  • To demoralize/dehumanize the masses to be less cohesive with their own groups and more obedient and dependent on government and the official narrative of any topic.
  • To bankrupt and ‘repair’ the monetary system that was headed for another collapse, only to replace it with another fiat-currency model.
  • To establish a central bank digital currency (CBDC) to replace the remaining fiat monetary system.  The CBDC has a more direct control aspect to it for shaping people’s behavior.
  • To train/condition people into obedience to the vaccine passport system on their mobile phones, as already trialed in China over the last decade.
  • To coerce mainly Western nations away from liberty-minded protection and promotion of the individual and towards the ‘collective’.  Fear will be mainly used, interspersed with rewards, interspersed with guilt – that us messy humans – it’s our fault the world is dying.
  • To increase population control via digital ID or QR-code system, which will flow from the vaccine passport system, similar to the social credit system used in China, programmable digital currency at the control of the government.
  • To continue the migration of peoples’ lives away from the physical world and into the online one, where further control is easier.

Many who are against the authoritarian measures feel those imposing these changes are acting out of evil – they are psychopaths.  Or, those imposing the changes must have been shown dire outcomes for an out-of-control population of overconsumption, and therefore are moving us towards a technocratic society for our own good.  For some bigger-picture reason, those in control believe the world needs to be brought into a system of more State control in order to keep the world on track for a more compliant 10 billion inhabitants by the year 2100.  This is especially acute in Western nations since they were the most liberal and free.  The goals are to coerce society into a system of ‘immunity by subscription’ (vaccines), tie any and all vaccines to a passport system via QR code control on your mobile phone, combine this with the digital ID/passport, tie this to the banking system, eventually control the banking systems with central bank digital currency (CBDC), and then tie the whole system to a social-credit type system of societal control as already in use in China.  Many portions of this system are in use in China and to some extent the Scandinavian countries.  For whatever reason, ‘they’ have decided ‘we’ have had too much freedom that will endanger the world.  The danger will be presented as the climate disasters, too far in the future to prove, but regardless the reason, more control and surveillance will be implemented.

In parallel with this, the global financial fiat monetary system was also in a state of collapse.  By ‘fiat’, this means a system of money that only exists due to the population’s trust in the printed dollars.  Up until the late 1960s and early 1970s, money and dollars in each country were backed by physical gold stores.  Early in the 1970s, the USA took themselves off this ‘gold standard’ – banks no longer had to have physical gold to back the equivalent dollars printed.  They could simply print money and let people live off of debt and credit.  The ‘great financial crisis’ of 2008 was one hiccup to show this, and governments stepped in to print money and keep the system afloat.  A second crisis occurred Sept. 2019 with even more printed money injected into the system to keep it alive.  By using this narrative of the fiat system finally dying, the C19 pandemic arrived at an opportune time to justify printing even more trillions of dollars and distribute it, again to keep the ‘old’ fiat currency system afloat.  In the past this would cause inflation and collapse societies, but now we simply ignore that and call it ‘Modern Monetary Theory’ – MMT.  Many in finance see this C19 perfect timing as a sign we were on the verge of societal collapse due to the monetary system failing (all aspects of everyday working life would stop).  Hence the perfect timing – C19 didn’t result in printing money, rather we needed a C19 to justify the printing.

“A collapse in our monetary system is the driving force behind a “covid plandemic” of irrational health policies. The covert goal is to replace existing fiat currencies with digital currencies linked to digital IDs. The power elite driving this agenda wish to maintain their wealth and power despite the collapse of the monetary systems upon which their empires are built. To achieve this, they will need to subvert democratic structures in favour of their own authoritarian controls facilitated by digitalisation. In this dystopia, democracy is sidelined and ordinary people must conform “correctly” or suffer immediate digital consequences.” (from ‘InProportion2’).

But there’s no way so many people would be in on this conspiracy”.  A common counter-argument.  The reply to this is they don’t all need to ‘be in on it’.  In a global machine such as this (see section on World governance below), once the top layers of the systems show what they are doing/implementing, layers just below them know right away that they either get in line and implement the mandated changes, or face resistance or removal.  There is always a rough mix of the usual positions:  those who see the plan right away and go along with it since their superior levels are going ahead with it; those who see it as not right, but go along anyway for fear of being fired/cancelled; and the small minority who outright oppose it out of principle, but who will generally get excluded or pushed out of the way.  As Upton Sinclair said about oil lobbyists and corrupt officials in early 1900’s scandals – ‘It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.’

The narrative will continue for several years – estimate from 2021 to about 2030 – and will include interchanging campaigns of fear and anger towards pandemics and/or health issues/scares and dire warnings of climate change.  The dates for climate change catastrophe avoidance, like in the past, will continue to be just close enough in the future (10 to 20 years), such that it feels close enough for each young generation to be frightened into action that the governments desire, while at the same time just far enough out that the people will forget about the catastrophe predictions when they don’t come true.  This will enable an endless cycle of obedience driven by fear – the only way elites and others have ever used to control the masses.

The same ratio of people who fit these profiles are the same throughout humanity.  Most doctors, lawyers, judges, engineers, ‘experts’ fit into these same basic ratios of those who will just go along for personal protection/gain, those who silently object, and those minority who stand for principles and risk their profession.  It’s the same through history – it’s just that we always forget our history.  The ‘good Germans’ and Jews in the 1930’s included.