Mass Formation and Hypnotizing the Public


Mass Formation and Hypnotizing the Public

Further to the mechanisms employed by governments as described in the Media topics above, the same bodies that launched fear campaigns also know how to keep an entire population in a state of hypnosis, whereas hypnosis is directed at an individual, the same techniques applied to a population is called ‘mass formation’.  These steps and descriptions were best explained by Professor Matias Desmet.

  1. Populations must first be in a state of isolation, loneliness, and social disconnection.  This was in the background already for years due to social media, and accelerated by the pandemic – shutting people in homes, ‘stay apart’, ‘don’t talk to neighbors or friends’ etc.
  2. The population first needs to be at a high level of anxiety, specifically ‘free-floating’ anxiety, in that the public feels anxious or a lack of control it their lives, but cannot pinpoint a specific cause to remedy this.  For the past few years, 2010 till present, this has been true in aspects of social media making people withdrawn and ‘triggered’, adults with ‘bullshit jobs’ that they feel are meaningless, and constant media messaging about climate change, society problems, racism, all sorts of phobias – all of which cannot be solved directly.  These make people anxious, especially young people, made all the more troubling because one cannot do anything to fix the cause of the anxiety – it’s ‘free floating’.
  3. The population must have a lack of sense-making.  They are bombarded with misinformation daily on SM or MSM, and cannot step outside this realm to use their own common sense to analyze what is going on.
  4. Multiple crises will further the sense of anxiety.  Humans can only handle 1 or 2 major crises at once, i.e. climate catastrophes and maybe a deadly pandemic.  For 2 years (2020-2022) the MSM has purposely pumped out all negative news, exaggerating death and destruction stories as a priority.  Climate disasters, COVID19 death counters, murders, police murdering black people, racist countries oppressing their native populations, etc.  All of these concentrations on death, negative stories, exaggerated oppression, all lead to a population that can no longer think or make sense of their world.  Adding the perceived threat of a deadly pandemic pushed many over the edge beyond reasoning.
  5. A leader, or savior, or expert, suddenly comes along with ‘we know what the problem is and we can solve it.’  A mentally-exhausted public, with aimless anxiety, suddenly feels a cohesion with others in this new ‘we will fight this and win’ crowd, it allows them to transfer their aimless anxiety and attach it to this new crusade – in this case, to fight COVID19.  It is too difficult for an anxious person to look inwards and address their inner anxieties, compared to some concrete, external, definitive threat (virus), for which the governments have provided a definitive solution for.  Similar to uniting the population to go to war against a common evil enemy.  This allows an anxious population to remove all self-doubt and analysis, and literally transfer and attach their anxiety and problems to an external threat or problem.
  6. Regardless of any data or experiences that go against the official ‘this is how we fix this’ narrative, the population will continue the crusade, shaming anyone who questions the fight as ‘deniers’.  The narrative can be non-sensical, for example ‘COVID is killing everyone!’, even with clear data showing it is not.  Those who try to point this out are cancelled or attacked as ‘you are either with us or against us’.  There is no room for even ‘we are with you but can we discuss this data first?’

This is the difference between a totalitarian state and a dictatorship.  Dictatorships with one strong-arm ruler and cabal only lasts with force and compliance, and all of these eventually collapse.  Authoritarian/totalitarian systems are easier to maintain because enough people are in mass formation to keep the system going by themselves – they police themselves and others, and reinforce the government position voluntarily.

“The reason why people within this mass formation (mass hypnosis) all need to participate in the lockdowns, wear a mask, social distancing or take a vaccine. Is because if you don’t do it, you are not showing solidarity to the new group that has been formed.  Almost as if all the measures to defeat the object of anxiety are really just to prove to everyone else that you are apart of the new cult like social group.  Which has no real ability to defeat the pandemic, is not backed in science and is only designed to identify who is apart of their new cult like social group, and who is not, and nothing more.”

The use of psychologist and social engineering groups an experts throughout the pandemic, not to ease the publics fears but to inflate them shows just how targeted these actions were and are (by their own admission – see Dodsworth on SPIB and Nudge Units).  Techniques such as these are well known:

  1. Milgram Experiment.  A set of Yale University studies by Stanley Milgram, whereby he proved that obedience to authority figures to comply with orders did not need violent coercion.  Subjects were instructed to give painful electric shocks to ‘patients’.  The patients were actors not really being shocked, the subjects were real, and were only instructed by an ‘authority’ figure in a lab coat who promised it is okay to deliver the shocks, even if close to fatal levels.  The subjects in general felt no guilt since an authority figure gave them permission.
  2. Asch Experiments.  Solomon Asch conducted conformity experiments in the 1930s (more recent ones have been repeated).  One teacher would ask a group to conduct a vision test, evaluating the length of a drawn line against three other lines of various lengths.  The target line obviously matched one of the three comparison lines (one was much shorter, one much longer).  Of the 40 or 50 participants, just one was not in on the experiment, the others were all instructed to give an obviously false answer.  One by one, the participants gave the same obviously wrong answer.  When repeated, on average, 32% of participants would conform to the incorrect majority answer.  Across multiple trials, 75% of participants conformed at least once, and 25% never conformed.
  3. Stanford Prison Experiment.  Socially- normal citizens were recruited to this experiment and randomly assigned role of prisoner or guard (10 prisoners, 11 guards).  Prisoners were treated as normal – arrested and taken to a fake prison to be booked.  The de-individualization process began – stripped down, deloused, assigned a number only.  Guards could only refer to them as ID numbers.  Within hours of just imitating prisoners and guards, normal citizens who were guards began to assert violent authority.  The experiment was cut short due to the previously-normal participants devolution into their roles.

In addition to the showing of solidarity to the group, there is the effect of social media running mostly GEN-Z’s lives (those under 30 who grew up with mobile phones and SM).  That is, polls show for most GEN-Z that their primary attribute is to do social good.  This attribute is positive and laudable, however since they were ingrained with social media behavior, this became nothing more than ‘virtue signaling’ for ‘likes’ and kudos for their online persona.  The media and social engineers knew this and hijacked this (see ‘The Social Dilemna’) for their own purpose.  Take any normal person’s natural instinct to do good, tie it to social media via likes and voting, and then use media to propagandize them towards whatever topic is deemed socially-important.  For this decade it’s climate change, and now ‘doing your part’ in the C19 pandemic.  Once this is tied to vaccine digital passports, they have the ultimate virtue signal – to show off their vaccine status and passport to brag for points about doing their part for the collective.  Everyone else not on board is against the common good – the idea of individual thought, debate, or any nuance is denounced as ‘you’re not doing your part’.  Same fear as in 9/11 – ‘you are either with us, or with the terrorists’ if you ask any questions.  Once the digital passport status is tied to the social credit system as already in place in China, this will only further the point-scoring and virtue signaling to show we are ‘the good ones’ obeying and doing our part.  When in reality it is all a system of control which the State decides activity, behavior, and thought and opinion.

Further methods of subversion like this can be described as Yuri Bezmenov did in the mid 1980s.  Bezmenov was a former reporter/expert from Russia who documented precisely how the KGB (Soviet secret police) would subvert entire nations and populations.  There was always a 4-step approach, some of which can be seen in similar steps applied to the past 2 years during the pandemic.  (1) demoralization – a 10 to 15 year period of subverting schools, religion, social life, while detracting from hard sciences like math, erode trust in social structures, police, society in general.  (2) destabilize – a 2-5 year period, get society pitted against one another, disrupt the economy, law, media, prevent the public from solving their own societal issues.  (3) crisis – a short sharp 6 week period to get government systems to fail, crumble, fall apart – and insert a savior figure to lead the way out to the other side.  The public will be begging for this savior.  (4) normalization – new self-appointed rulers take over, destroy anyone who helped them in stage (2) and (3).

Psychiatrist Mark McDonald, who treats children and youth for mental disorders, saw in 2020 and 2021 that the uptake of social issues were created on purpose – again the government knows if they followed the pandemic plan of keeping people calm and respectful, as normal as possible, you avoid these social issues.  By isolating healthy and locking down everyone (not just sick or vulnerable), they knew these social issues and breakdown would happen – they are not and were not inept, this is done on purpose:

  1. Not a medical virus crisis – it’s political – control, purge people who speak out.  Virus narrative is a fear-based distraction to keep them not looking at the ‘how’ and ‘why’ what is really happening.
  2. ‘Societal malaise’ has been created on purpose.  There has been a 300-400% increase in US societal anxiety and mental issues, depression, stress.  Spousal and child abuse.  Increased substance abuse, drugs, suicides, pot, meth, cocaine.  Not due to virus, only due to ratcheting pressure to conform by governments, which is for compliance and control.  Frustrated and afraid people go into a trance mode, freeze, and await a leader to guide them a way out (miserable desperate sheep).  Not ALL people, but many in general.  This is a well-known cause and effect.
  3. The ‘pandemic of fear’ narrative is done on purpose for psychological control – it is difficult to control joyful, independent, fearless people, they must be the opposite for compliance.  Fearful people will react irrationally, and if fear dictates your actions, you will cling to an authority.
  4. Stages:  fear, mass delusional psychosis, control, purge dissidents.  Delusional psychosis stage was for more than a year – seeing masks, fear, people want to fit in and follow rules even though the rules are senseless or changing for no reason.  Conformity is more comfortable.  The moving of the goal-posts, lying about returning to normal, all on purpose to scare into conformity.  The majority of humans want to be taken care of, a small minority want true freedom – it’s too scary for most.
  5. We will soon cross a line of no return.  Ratcheting of measures have prevented people reaching a tipping point suddenly if they push too hard too fast.  Measures starting to hit the estimated 60% of people just trying to get along to go along.

Other points of discussion:

  • Is it really for depopulation?  Not so plausible.  First priority is control, compliance, and a purge of dissidents.  Media, politicians, experts who do not fit narrative.  The increase of social media censorship and cancelling is noted. People who protest may move to new online platforms, which will allow for ‘blowing off steam’, yet these can easily be cancelled and censored down the road.
  • Reduce/eliminate independent people and small companies, replace with ‘the big guys’ who are more centrally-controlled.  Move their resources and money sources to stifle them.
  • All under guise of ‘health and safety’, ‘good of the people’ – the same claim that almost all tyrants throughout history have used, governments will continue to push through agendas set from the top down. Protesters will continually be labelled as ‘far right’, or racist or any other term. Laws are being changed and enacted to simply label these protesters as ‘domestic terrorists’, and so punishable by laws.
  • ‘Western’ nations were targeted more since they were founded on similar principles of ‘individual liberty’ – something that needs to be attenuated for mass control/compliance.
  • Similar to Chinese revolutions – there could be forced renunciation of traditional family and societal/community ties.  Reduce the family unit, neighborhood, civic society, churches, etc.  Inform on parents to help State.  Reliance on stability to the State becomes only option.
  • Assault on male/female/family in West has been ongoing for 2-3 decades.  Breakdown of this, removal of male/female into neutered family.
  • Theft of passion, purpose, joy by govt over 30 years plus last 2 years, has sucked life out of young urban people.
  • The ‘new left’ is anti-religion, anti-family, but pro-corporations, which is more like facism (govt+corp).
  • Virtue signaling compliance is now closer to sadism – pleasure of suffering of ‘others’ – like saying ‘unvxxd can die for all I care – they don’t deserve medical services’.  The ‘othering’ of untouchables.
  • Majority will comply – Stockholm Syndrome – identify/sympathize with abuser.  Government is ‘the father’, the abusive father.  It is unfathomable to acknowledge the he would be abusing us.  Leaves us with no father figure.
  • Smaller rural, self-contained societies who need less government don’t suffer as much since they don’t need the State for much support.

The ritual and theatrical aspect of the measures taken also serve as a psychological priming technique to normalize behaviour among mainly the young.  Masks on all, even though it is shown than masking healthy people does not prevent pandemics, serves to program into routine obedience, especially for kids, who will be completely normalized to this theater from a young age and will have not known a previous ‘old normal world’ without them.  Vx (gene therapies) to reduce lifespan slightly, reduce overall immune system, make people weaker in general, normalize a constant ‘immunity by subscription’ world for young, plus act as a delivery system trial for future RNA jabs to alter genetic aspects of human behavior.  The narrative has even adapted the vaccine status from how many jabs/doses/boosters one has had to simply ‘up to date’, which leaves an open-ended definition status to be set and reset at the whim of those in power.

All leaders said absolutely no vaccine mandates due to human rights concerns (summer 2021), then without explanation suddenly in Sept. all flipped to mandates, even though they also said they don’t stop transmission or infections. This was never questioned after the fact, and no media would challenge this.