Transhumanism and Technology Civil War


Transhumanism and Technology Civil War

A large part of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” (per the WEF Great Reset plans) is to shift societies away from actual human (animal) interactions and lives into the technological or online life.  Humans have existed and flourished as evolved animals for more than 100,000 years.  We trade, barter and make markets, hunt, gather, farm, form tribes, war with each others’ tribes, etc.  These are the primitive aspects of humans that make life feel worth living.  But these traits are messy and not controllable, especially in the eyes of ‘those elites’.  For more than 10 or 15 years, technology and social media have gradually shifted people away from real human life into online, virtual social life.  It is already the case that more people argue and yell and shout online than actually meeting face to face to have discussions.

Natural human behavior – meeting face to face, gossiping, touching, fighting, emotional contact, gathering in groups (tribes), having long conversations – these have all been slowly both attenuated and/or hijacked into the online version, which is not just inhuman, it is ‘transhuman’.  This long-term move from actual human (animal) behavior to the online version makes our society ripe for a takeover.  We already have the foundation for physical civil war, in that we are divided, surrounded by chaos and systematic breakdowns, and lack stability in our physical lives.  Now, the same civil war can be launched or created on the technological world online.  Current government leaders are scrambling to ensure they still have a place in this new world post-civil war.  The public will be on-board (mostly) with any ‘solution’ as a desperate need to feel normal again – but it will be a ‘new normal’, online, and controlled via systems above.  The majority will feel relieved, and won’t even miss their liberties that were removed between 2020 and (2025, 2026?)  “We can’t ever go back to THAT old way.  It was horrible, remember?”  This includes any and all aspects of life and risk, which we have lived with for centuries as a species.  Taking on risks in life is a natural, necessary stressor that builds our character.  You need to make mistakes and fail at risks to grow.  The ‘pandemic’ is conditioning people to be more risk-averse in everyday aspects of life and to defer the risk to government bodies – this includes work risks, lifestyle, immunity, everything.  The very fact that mortality barely reverted back to that of 2008 or 2007 levels shows that life even with the ‘pandemic’ is no worse than life risk was around a decade ago (see mortality levels versus year in Appendix).  From Ben Shapiro: “The uncertainty of freedom, the burden of assessing right from wrong and the inconvenience of being offended have been replaced by the certainty that non-compliance with the party brings punishment, certain, swift and harsh”.

For centuries, man’s question of the self, the soul, the existential meaning to life, and other topics beyond the reach of simple data and facts were typically answered and guided by religions – any spiritual belief.  Our animal spirit has always told us that life is messy, finite, and full of risks.  It would have a physical end and so religions would seek to explain and guide us based on our souls and provide some sort of afterlife sense of purpose.  Decades of religious decay and moral degradation have left us with a gaping hole of existence – ‘what else is the point of all this’?  We used to look inwards and embark on a spiritual type journey to find what is inside our own souls.  Now, with technology, ‘safetyism’, and government control, this messy human need can be replaced with controlled ‘trans’-humanism – beyond the human animal spirit.  We give up control and conflict of our inner self to an over-seeing technology system that provide safety and false comfort against the ‘dangerous’ real world.  The technocratic system becomes the alpha-male that used to provide leadership and guidance to the tribe.

All animal species disproportionately protect their young at the expense of the older and weaker.  This is a natural survival instinct – we value the potential of the young to continue the species and family line.  This is also done with immunization programs.  Small pox, measles, polio – these all affect and kill the young at a much higher rate than C19 (C19 is even less fatal than flu for those under 30).  And so due to ‘life-years-lost’ of our youth compared to the elderly, we concentrate on them.  Quite the opposite for C19, through media campaigns of fear, we are shaming the young and enraging the public to ‘get them all vaccinated’ even though children have next to zero risk from C19, and the vaccines do not stop spread.  We have scared the public into thinking it’s okay to sacrifice healthy children (masks, missed school, depression, suicides), for a false sense of protecting the elderly.

“They” – the same ruling elites stated previously, have always despised us populations as ‘the herd’ in need of guiding and coercing for our own good.  The ‘new world order’ will remove the old way of living under ‘the rule of the jungle’ (G.H.W Bush in 1990).  The new system will control our spending and behavior, helping good citizens score ‘social credit points’ (i.e. virtue signal points) and promote socialism among the masses (you will own nothing and be happy) for our own good.

During the 2000’s and 2010’s, multiple ‘grass roots’ protests and oppositions took place against ‘them’ and the establishment.  Examples being the Yellow Vest protests worldwide (against government cutbacks), the million-person-strong pro-democracy protests throughout Hong Kong, the Occupy Wall Street movements denouncing investment fraud and inequality, and many more.  The pandemic essentially ended all of these ‘populist’ movements.  As for the ‘far left’ that mobilized to fight against Wall Street corruption, the elites have managed to hijack this group, transition its anger into ‘wokism’ via ANTIFA, BLM, and other movements.  Now, during the pandemic, they have managed to steer these groups’ anger and energy against anyone who isn’t (for the US), pro-Democrat and handily, pro lockdown and pro- anything the Democrats in power want, so long as it’s not that evil Trump.  This has allowed the US government to essentially wall itself off in military barricades, and rule by decree with the full support of the enraged ‘left’.

This transhumanist, technocratic system was portrayed by Huxley’s Brave New World.  The novel is set in 2540, in a futuristic world known as the “the World State” wherein advanced science and technologies are use to reproduce genetically modified babies that are conditioned to believe in certain moral values and are then raised in strict social castes. People are encouraged to have regular and casual sex and to take a drug called soma, which is designed to make them happy. In the novel, Bernard Max and Lenina Crowne, take a trip to a savage reservation in New Mexico outside the World State. They meet Linda, a woman separated from her group years ago who gave birth to a son named John and who raised him at the reservation. The four return to London, where John becomes famous for being a natural-born “savage.” After his Linda overdoses on soma and dies, John moves away in search of a solitary lifestyle, but eventually chooses to hang himself after being rediscovered by sightseers hoping to watch his bizarre behaviors. A key question that Brave New World raises is about the trade-off between happiness and freedom. Happiness is guaranteed through instant satisfactions for desires such as food, sex, drugs, and consumer items, but comes at the expense of freedom and truth. Members of the World State are not able to think for themselves, and the characters who do think for themselves are not happy. The novel asks its readers to question whether it is more important to be happy or to be free. 

Gene-editing technologies have existed for years by now, and, even were discussed by Klaus Schwab back in 2015 as a possible use for mRNA vaccines, the technology used currently for the first time on humans for the C19 pandemic.  The same corporations working with the WEF and UN – Wellcome Trust, under Wellcome LEAP, has been working on these.  These include programs aimed at adults and young children, to monitor behavior under the guise of helping people, when in reality researching methods to ‘tweak’ behavior back in line with what is ‘normal’ before adverse events happen. As Whitney Webb reports:

“The program description document notes that, up to this point in history, “our primary window into the developing brain has been neuroimaging techniques and animal models, which can help identify quantitative biomarkers of [neural] network health and characterise network differences underlying behaviours.” It then states that advances in technology “are opening additional possibilities in young infants.”

“Indeed, as this report has shown, most of these technologies would usher in a deeply disturbing era of mass surveillance over both the external and internal activities of human beings, including young children and infants, while also creating a new era of medicine based largely on gene-editing therapies, the risks of which are considerable and also consistently downplayed by its promoters.”