Psychological ‘Nudging’ and Menticide


Psychological ‘Nudging’ and Menticide

Let’s start out with some small ‘nudging’ here.  Do these look like proper images to keep society calm and cohesive?  Or divisive, antagonistic, and fearful?

That’s just a small subset.  If you had watched your daily news updates for the last three years, it’s been an intimidating display of ‘experts’ all standing in specific formation, usually with a mask, lots of regalia in the background relating to your Province or country or State to stir up some emotion, and lots and lots of jarring, emergency-themed and colored declarations all over the background.  Yes, that’s how you keep your society calm.

I am borrowing almost all of this from Dr. Bruce Scott – his recent essays on the psychological effect and control of pandemic theatre are must-reads.  They go far beyond the comic-book propaganda we’ve seen these past three years, and go deeper into the darker, mental control.  Read his essays and picture, at your age, if you recognize these effects, and, imagine how your child would perceive them – the tactics are society-breaking.  Further to the point of propaganda – to make one feel like they are alone in their opinions, the psychological tactics Dr. Scott highlights are also being done on purpose to mentally break down people and their sense of being.  And that is only the past three years – we have more years of this to come and guaranteed they have their playbooks all at the ready.

The psychological techniques used on the populations of (mostly Western) nations these past three years could either be argued as ‘grey’ propaganda – for our own ‘greater good’ to behave in the correct way, or, as ‘black’ propaganda – completely against the population for a malevolent purpose.  It is already established that propaganda is and was being used – established only to the minority who can actually see it for what it is, meaning most Westerners do not even know it’s being done.  The evidence for the propaganda, or ‘nudging’, comes directly from our own governments and their (sometimes outsourced) propaganda arms.  Laura Dodsworth documented this well in State of Fear, outlining all the various groups and offices that are used for ‘nudging’ the public in ‘the right direction’ for our own good.  It’s obviously not just for the U.K. – the U.K. may be the hub for these units, but they are all outsourced to almost all Western nations, tweaked and tuned for the changes in culture.

From Dodsworth:

“In Britain, the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), unofficially known as the Nudge Unit, was set up in 2010 under Prime Minister David Cameron. BIT is now a profit-making company with offices in the US, France, Australia, and Canada.  Canada not only hosts a BIT office in Toronto; it has its very own unit. A Toronto Star article in February 2021 noted that Dr Teresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, had referenced a behavioural insight team located within the Privy Council Office. It is called the Impact and Innovation Unit and was set up in 2017. The Star’s Susan Delacourt remarks that the role the Impact Unit played in Canada’s Covid messaging is a “social-science experiment” one that “may have given government clues on how to modify citizen’s behaviour for other big global issues – such as climate change, for instance.”

So, there is no debate that propaganda is being used almost everywhere (and has been for decades but it’s very accelerated now).  The only questions or debate should be what level is it being used to and to what ‘noble lie’ justification level?  That is, once people know it’s there, the majority would probably agree it is ‘for the greater good’ to the level of ensuring people behave properly, because they still trust that their governments are right and looking after us.  A minority would believe that the propaganda is not for the greater good to fight the ‘pandemic’, rather it’s a noble lie to ensure we are all programmed to take regular jab updates as a means to normalize ‘updates’ that will soon become tied to our digital currency (CBDC) and QR-code passports – still a greater good but moreso for the governments.

But another level of propaganda is even more plausible, and a much deeper level in to the ‘greater good’.  That is, to achieve the second level noted above (CBDC uptake), and in addition, ensure that an entire generation (and future ones) is ‘reset’ to a much-reduced level of physical, spiritual, moral, and logical health.  To ‘them’, this is still a justifiable level of ‘greater good’ behavioral change.  For whatever reasons, they still deem this as good for their society.  My belief is the new society post-2030 is to be a drastic shift in control versus population numbers – to increase behavioral control and flatten population to stay below 10 billion.

It has long been known and accepted that the when a society is anxious and fearful, illnesses and mortality increase – there are direct and measurable effects and correlations for this. E.g. increased poverty (or reduction in GDP) can be directly tied to increased mortality.  It is also well-known that the immune system can be suppressed when a person is stressed or anxious, linking mental weaknesses to physical ones.  All of this is known in the medical fields.  For example, Donald Henderson, credited with eradicating smallpox, established the main pandemic plan cornerstone – keep the public and society functioning as normal as possible to maintain overall mental health.  “Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted. Strong political and public health leadership to provide reassurance and to ensure that needed medical care services are provided are critical elements. If either is seen to be less than optimal, a manageable epidemic could move toward catastrophe.” (Source:  How a Free Society Deals with Pandemics, According to Legendary Epidemiologist and Smallpox Eradicator Donald Henderson – AIER).

There is no doubt that most governments around the world did the exact opposite of keeping society functioning as normal as possible.  They shamed people, name-called, forced isolation on the majority of people not at risk from C19, told people not to talk to each other, moved targets continuously (just 3 weeks, just mask till summer, just wait for the jabs, etc.), coerced people into jabs, and flaunted ‘rules’ themselves.  On the question as to which level of ‘greater good’ this was done, I see it as the latter, more malevolent level.

In his series on ‘Menticide’, Dr. Bruce Scott outlines the deliberate actions of the ‘nudge’ units based on his background in psychoanalysis.  Experts in this field know that by doing the opposite of healing a patient with mental illnesses, that they are harming people on purpose.  As Scott points out: “…the Head of Policy of the British Psychological Society, Kathryn Scott, is a member of SPI-B of SAGE; it is just not possible that the group of psychologists on SPI-B did not realise that they had torn up the ethical rule book of their very own profession.” These deliberate manipulations serve to both make people weak and submissive, and to accelerate the pushing down of the individual and his/her liberty-minded ways, in favor of creating a more ‘communitarian’ society (for the 99.x%).  Climate fear, virus fear, ANYTHING fear – it’s all to shame the individual.  I trust someone with Dr. Scott’s background would be able to see mental therapy being done in reverse, and their outcomes.

Scott explains the further steps and stages – we are only 3 years in to this so there’s more to come.  These steps include, as in the past 3 years, messaging and behavior that equates governments to abusive partners, mixing illogical phases of fear with ‘we’re here to protect you’ love.

A shorter summary of this psychological relationship is provided here by trauma specialist Meredith Miller (there’s a 10 minute intro montage in case you want to skip).  She outlines many of the same aspects as Dr. Scott – the parallels of abusive relationships to the last three years of government treatment, the meaningless rules and illogical dictates, the constant moving of the goalposts as a means to torture the psyche.  A major point she highlights is that the compliance levels need to be enforced and policed not by ‘them’, but by the people voluntarily.  As witnessed, this was easily achieved with the age-old ‘you’re either with us or with the enemy’ priming.  As with any security or safety threat (real or perceived), they can simply point out the enemy (Al Qaeda, ISIS, virus, etc.), offer the ‘solution’ to save humanity, and the fearful public will go beyond compliance, into vigilante mode enforcement against anyone who even questions the ‘solution’.  They know this, and doing the exact opposite has had (and will have) the exact effect they want – anger and division amongst the people.  Stirring people anywhere at anytime from a calm group into a vindictive mob is textbook control – only not known to most Westerners.

Miller also points out that the coercion techniques are the exact opposite of what psychological therapy seeks to do in curing a person who was a victim of abuse or trauma.  That is, the coercion methods trained people into non-sensical theatre (distancing, masks, stay-at-home orders, vx) irrational, emotional dependency on authority to program for future uptake of other goals – CBDC, digital ID, climate-change behavior.  The specific aspect of isolation is well-known to cause multiple illnesses by way of elevating stress hormones – ingrained in humans as social animals for thousands of years.  We seek out social bonds and connections based on evolution – the animal instinct that tells us we need our pack or our tribe to feel safe.  The only alpha male providing that for the past three years has mainly been father government – ‘we’ll save you, only we can help – don’t turn to anyone else’.  And even with masking, which does nothing to prevent respiratory infections, it is known to psychologists that the symbolic nature of the mask signals constant invisible danger all around.  Everyone is a threat, a walking disease vector, not someone to talk to a connect with.  This has potential for a whole range of future disorders for young people, as pointed out here by Chuck Geddes.

Again, the immediate defense against these analyses would be ‘how could they all be in on this – too unlikely of a conspiracy’, same as for all the professionals – how could they all be in on this and go along?  That again is answered by the same proportions of people who go along with anything.  The majority trust the government and leave it there, a minority see it’s wrong and know something else is up, but won’t rock the boat (paychecks, mortgages, lifestyle), a small minority will speak out and then self-censor, and an even smaller minority will give up everything to reveal what’s going on, and risk everything.  The level of censorship and shaming done against anyone who has spoken out these past 3 years is evidence of that.  Even if their objections were wrong or off, it was the fact that there could be no discussion at all that was key.  As Dr. Scott points out, there is no way the leaders of these groups are ‘making mistakes’ about the bad effects of lockdowns, isolating healthy people, masking healthy people, jabbing people who aren’t at-risk from C19, withholding common respiratory treatments from sick people, etc.  The population as a whole has already bought the fallacy that ‘the jabs saved x millions of people’ via impossible models.

You don’t have to agree 100% with Miller or Dr. Scott’s theories, but it is unarguable that these techniques (some or all) are being employed on the populations for some other reason other than the narrative.  It doesn’t need to be some nefarious group in an evil lair somewhere launching 100% of these tactics like a bad movie.  Rather, a mix of ‘professionals’ and underlings all working in large entities or systems that are churning out their small, compartmentalized areas of expertise – ‘just doing my job’.  The majority in any field, especially with today’s corporate level of propaganda, are simply taken care of by Upton Sinclair’s observation: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

Finally, Dr. Scott quotes Joost Meerloo, drawing parallels to past totalitarian control of populations.  Again, even if, this time, we don’t have a single, evil dictator controlling us and the narrative, it is clear that similar techniques are being used:

“Each wave of terrorizing . . . creates its effects more easily – after a breathing spell – than the one that preceded it because people are still disturbed by their previous experience. Morality becomes lower and lower, and the psychological effects of each new propaganda campaign become stronger; it reaches a public already softened up.” Joost Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, 1956/2015, Martino Publishing, p.147.