End of Summer 2022


End of Summer 2022

Took lots of time off there to enjoy the summer ‘relief’ from the narratives, although in the back of my mind there’s always that nagging thought that the relief only serves to make the coming winter feel that much worse.

In the background, I sometimes polled various people and family over the summer regarding jabs and boosters and their thoughts on what is going on.  I estimate not much has changed in the proportions.  I still see about 19 out of 20 adults going along with the narrative without much question.  At most, I have encountered a small fraction who are in ‘what the F is going on here?’ mode but nowhere close to seeing this is all pre-scripted.  To the question – ‘would you take yearly-mandated jabs in order to keep your QR code/mobile set to green=go (vx pass) without question’, I still see >90% ‘yes’.  Some insist ‘well no because that’s all over’, to which I push ‘if/when it returns’ – still a ‘yes’.  ‘You take a flu shot annually anyway, right?’  Any fence-sitters will be sufficiently pushed with the same fear tactics as 2021.  The psychological ‘nudge’ units employed throughout the pseudopandemic have not gone away.

As predicted, they started ramping up the narrative again late August 2022, seeding the thoughts into people’s heads regarding ‘we better behave otherwise…’  Lots of well-placed grey propaganda at work across the media platforms.  Carefully-chosen words and associations to evoke and equate pandemic fear, energy fear, and ‘do your part’ fear – all mixed together to blur the separation between each.  These are all over the MSM:

  • Ashish Jha, COVID19 Response Coordinator, has been giving presentations on the ‘bivalent’ shots with software-like terms such as ‘upgrades’ and ‘resetting’ your status.  The No Agenda media analysis show gives a short summary here.  Basically, this sets the stage for some panic or coercion again this fall to simply update your app – something the majority more than happy to do and virtue signal.
  • Trudeau issued his threat as well.  In true propaganda form, the language is very-carefully chosen to be divisive on purpose.  I.e. if you don’t update you will cause the problem.  It’s the same age-old tactic used in breaking down individuals – if one does not conform, you punish the whole group to create self-policing within the group.  “If we are able to hit that 80%, 85%, 90% of Canadians up-to-date in their vaccinations, we’ll have a much better winter with much less need for the kind of restrictions and rules that were so problematic for everyone over the past years,” said Trudeau.
  • Canadian Liberal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos compared getting a Covid-19 booster to recharging a phone battery during a press conference on Thursday, in which health authorities discussed the approval of the bivalent Moderna shot for the fall season. Of course, the great ‘recharging’ or updating is mentioned in the same sentence with protecting loved-ones (i.e. just like last time you’re selfish for not taking them):

“Vaccine protection is like a phone battery. It needs to be recharged from time to time. Recharging our protection after six months is important, otherwise, we are left without the power to protect ourselves and our loved ones,” said Duclos.

And still, without any real testing, these are declared safe and effective.  ‘Effective’ now means that, even with 4 shots, you’ll still get COVID.  If that’s the new definition of ‘effective’, what does the new definition of ‘safe’ mean?  Data continues to emerge that the serious adverse event rates for the shots is about 0.1%, or at least 10 times worse than the typical rates for yearly flu vaccines.  Here is the latest from the German health authority on adverse reaction events.  (Rate is 0.3 per 1000 doses, so 0.6/1000 for 2, or 0.06%, 0.09% for three).

  • “The reporting rate of suspected cases for all vaccines together was 1.8 reports per 1,000 vaccine doses, for suspected cases of serious adverse reactions and vaccine complications 0.3 reports per 1,000 vaccine doses.”

Which leads to the next points which are of course not anywhere in the MSM.

The continued rise of excess (non-Covid) deaths is occurring in most Western nations.  EthicalSkeptic and elgato and others are tracking these.  Figures for the USA and UK are more up to date than Canada, who typically has a 3 or 4 month lag in statistics.  Generally, deaths should go down following pandemics (death deficit as less susceptible left to die) yet almost all Western states are the same or much worse.  Zero news on this except ‘unknown cause of death’ – all normal, I guess.  Lockdown effects and increase of despair deaths would account for some excess.  But those still do not explain all the excess all-cause mortality increase over the past year and a half.  Sure, there are some high vx uptake states with low ACM and some low vx with high ACM – you can always cherry pick some.  But overall, everything is worse for ACM for most Western nations.  Should there not be a dent or a bend in the signal if the jabs were helping?

And, even if there are still ‘deaths with C19’ occurring, the Medical Officer from LA County reminds us that the method of reporting deaths has not changed – any death for any reason with a positive PCR test (running past how many cycles?)

And for California, covered by Ben at USMortality, excess is still increasing.  His mortality database allows for graphing different regions over time here.

But again, none of this is in the news.  It’s all normal according to them.  Besides, the masses probably fully believe and will reply back with the familiar logical fallacy of ‘would have been worse’ MSM argument.  This was well-laid out in June 2022 when the report came out that the jabs saved 20 million lives, end of story right?  Let’s follow the sources again, and, ask yourself which version is more plausible given the dishonesty over the past 2.5 years.


  • June 23, 2022, Imperial College publishes medical paper showing that the vaccine initiative saved 19.2 million lives.  “COVID-19 vaccination has substantially altered the course of the pandemic, saving tens of millions of lives globally. However, inadequate access to vaccines in low-income countries has limited the impact in these settings, reinforcing the need for global vaccine equity and coverage.”
  • GAVI, one of the main funders, issued its press release:

“COVID-19 vaccines have saved 20 million lives so far, study estimates.”

“Deaths from COVID-19 were two-thirds lower than they otherwise could have been during the first year of the vaccination programme, mathematical modelling suggests.”

Queue news clips and sound bites “20 million saved” blasted all over the MSM in 30 second infomercial-dumbed-downed clips so as not to go beyond the average attention span of most adults.

Or, apply a cynical lens.  ‘Cynical’ used to be normal due-diligence but anyway:

  • Source of paper?  Hire the same group, Imperial College, that made all the original incorrect models of the Covid 19 death counts in the first place.  The Imperial College models (by Neil Fergusson) were used at the outset to justify lockdowns.  They assumed an IFR = 1% for almost all the world to initially use the ‘precautionary principle’ to lockdown like China did (except Sweden, whom Fergusson predicted would suffer 40,000-90,000 deaths, yet ended up having 1/10th of that and no increase in ACM).  This group also supplied regular models to the UK Government over the pandemic lockdowns to continuously show more and harder lockdowns were needed.  When others questioned their invalid model inputs and assumptions after the fact, governments still went ahead with lockdowns.

This same group is also funded by the vx-backers, as stated in their Funding statement:


Schmidt Science Fellowship in partnership with the Rhodes Trust; WHO; UK Medical Research Council; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; National Institute for Health Research; and Community Jameel.”

  • The same groups pushing mass jabs and lockdowns and those who fund the jab makers make a study that says everything is fine.  Okay, benefit of the doubt.
  • Now to the claim – ‘would have been worse’.  The HART Group did a short piece of analysis on this.  The ‘would have been worse’ was again based on models alone, with, again, model inputs and assumptions that are wildly-off.  Basically, the two graphs below from Hart interpret the data from Imperial to show hockey stick of death that the shots helped avoid, according to Imperial:
  • See, would have been worse.  We saved the world from that hockey stick of death.  No mentioning that the signal of ‘deaths with C19’ should have gone down from its trajectory if anything was happening.  That’s easily explained too – ‘we stopped wearing masks!’, ‘we stopped distancing’, ‘we ended the lockdowns too soon’ and so on.

Somewhat related – the timing for the push for ‘updates’ coincides with many jurisdictions launching and/or promoting their emergency alert apps, ready for this October/November (how timely – just in time for some mysterious winter emergency?)  These will be pushed on to mobiles without need of download, to ensure you can stay safe.  You know, to help you not die from far-right trucker convoys or Dutch farmers who are out to overthrow the government with manure and tractors.  The app will pinpoint various areas for alerts via the cell phone tower locations, and your mobile’s proximity.  The same ‘alert’ siren similar to the amber alert sounds currently used will signal any emergency deemed fit by the government.  Just a further Pavlovian conditioning for our young ones and millennials tied to the mobiles.

I’m sure the apps for emergency warnings will have future updates for energy use.  That way the signaling public can ensure their profiles continuously show their ESG status for climate, jab status, political views, whatever.

And to ensure the pandemic is continuously inserted into the climate/energy narrative, Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, is speaking of “flattening the curve”.

“So, what we have to do is flatten the curve and avoid the peak (energy) demands.  We will propose a mandatory target for reducing electricity use at peak hours and we will work very closely with the member states to achieve this.”

And finally, a daily reminder that the brutal war is ongoing in Ukraine – so having Zelensky ring the opening bell and give a remote speech at the New York Stock Exchange is all normal.