The World-wide System of Governance


The World-wide System of Governance

This applies mainly to Western nations – North America, Europe, some central and South American countries.  China and most of Asia is already under a top-down style of authoritarian rule and so needs less reform.

It is easier to look at the Western world from the top down versus from the citizens and countries and up.  If you are still under the illusion that Western ‘democracies’ let the people control the governments via regular elections then again you can stop reading here.  Rather than the ground up (citizens choosing their governments), societies are controlled from the top down. The facade of free elections only serve to give the people a sense that they are contributing or have some input, but in reality the mandates and long-term paths of Western countries are determined beyond the control of any citizens’ reach.

In the hierarchy of societal control, sovereign governments sit quite low in the schematic.  The nostalgic days of the 1950s 60s and 70s of free democracies springing up from oppressed populations have long since passed.  Even the Western notion of ‘spreading our freedom and democracy’ of the 1980’s, 90s, and 2000’s has passed, and even those were just euphemisms for invading and controlling the resources of backwards regimes.  Problem is that most in the West still wholly-believe we are still the great democratic, freedom-loving beacons for the world, and that we have a free and separate press, judicial checks and balances, and regular elections to ‘throw the rascals out’ when we don’t agree with them.  Almost all Western populations alive today have lived under the ‘winners’ side for 75 years.  That is, ‘we’ won the world wars, formed democracies, spread our free-market wealth to out citizens, and promoted freedom of the press and the individual.  A seventy-five year span of flourishing allows us to feel as though our system is the ultimate, final system that can do no wrong.  It is little wonder almost all citizens feel complete trust in our system – ‘bad governments only happen to other people’.  For many Westerners, the end of the Cold War with the Berlin Wall falling (symbolically ending the divide between Communist/Russian-back East Germany and democratic Western German) was the final ‘the good guys won’ proof that ‘we’ are the best and most noble societies.  The quotation ‘throw the rascals out’ is from Carroll Quigley in ‘Tragedy and Hope’, describing how the ideal government system would be one to allow the citizens to feel like they are participating (elections), when in reality the business of the country would continue on with little difference (between Democrats or Republicans in this USA case).

P. 1247 of ‘Tragedy and Hope’, Carroll Quigley

From Julius Reuchel:

“The culture war currently consuming the Western world is, at its heart, a continuation of the philosophical divide that separated the American Revolution from the French Revolution. We have a choice between two very different social contracts. On the one side is the vision of uncompromising individual liberty and individual responsibility championed by the (American) Founding Fathers. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. On the other side is the discredited obsession with social engineering embraced by the likes of Robespierre, Rousseau, Napoleon, Mussolini, and countless other leaders, current and historic, who believe they can create a better society based on top-down conditional rights and central planning. There’s always an action plan implied by their slogans. The global buzzword of “Build Back Better” is just the latest reincarnation.”

“Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.” — Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Authors such as C.Wright Mills (The Power Elite), and Rothkopf (Superclass) even confirm this structure that upwards of a few thousand elites and families essentially control the world affairs.  Rothkopf announces that he and his researchers have identified “just over 6,000” people who match his definition of the superclass — that is, who have met complicated (and vaguely explained) metrics designed to determine “the ability to regularly influence the lives of millions of people in multiple countries worldwide.” These include heads of state and religious and military leaders — even the occasional pop star, like Bono — but the core membership is businessmen: hedge fund managers, technology entrepreneurs and private equity investors.  These rolls formerly were fulfilled by Royalty and the Clergy – there have always been ruling upper classes who feel they are more enlightened and genetically superior to ‘the masses’, who need prodding and guidance to live their lives properly.  These new elites are simply globalists who still feel superior genetically.  The general masses for the past few decades have been kept busy and ineffectual via simple, usually bi-partisan ‘politics’, whereby they can choose between two almost identical parties with simplistic differences.  The average person can then be kept busy with petty arguments about the person they voted for, all the while truly not affecting the bigger picture pushed by the elites.  It’s the ultimate illusion of choice, when in reality it’s simply dividing and conquering, providing both a distraction from the real situation being played out and a means to keep people fighting against one another versus against their governments.

In the early 1970s it was already well underway to transform these notions into Technocracies, or as Zbigniew Brzezinski termed it ‘the technetronic era’ *.  Centralized government systems not beholden to the ‘bewildered herd’ (per Chomsky in ‘Manufacturing Consent’) or the public.  You wouldn’t run a big company based on all the employees’ inputs feeling and opinions, why would you run a country or a world this way?

These trends toward technocratic or centralized systems were further enhanced after World War II by the USA.  Groups were formed such as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission, in order to coordinate the West under a common plan.  In addition to this, as outlined in G. Edward Griffin’s book ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’, the US banking cartel in the early 1900’s essentially became more powerful than the US government itself.  That is, rather than the US government controlling the Federal Reserve as a public entity, the Federal Reserve solidified its power over the US government, as a private entity. In parallel the various states in Europe somewhat were combined to form the EU.  This can be seen in the current structure of the world system from the top down:  The World Bank and WEF (World Economic Forum) – The IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) – the world’s central banks – then country-level governments and territories.  The citizens of the countries are a necessary nuisance at the bottom of the pyramid – once famously called ‘the useless eaters’. The masses have been and will be always easily controlled based on our desire for stability of money, security, energy, and food. Since the elites have controlled all of these aspects of life for long periods, it stands to reason the same types of controls will always be at play.

The tip of the pyramid – the top 3 layers, has always been the topic of too many conspiracies.  Family names are always there – Rothchild, Rockefeller, Soros, Morgan, etc.  At any rate, currently these elite families are tied to or in the background of Blackrock and Vanguard, and other massive fund companies who own/control the shares of the entire corporate world.  Blackrock and Vanguard essentially sit above the central banks unofficially, but hold enough market capitalization to be bigger than any country.

In the rollout of COVID 19 pandemic measures, and vaccine rollouts, the decisions and allegiances of the Western nations were not from within their own pandemic plans, rather they flowed downwards from the structure explained above.  This was done via the additional groups within the WEF – The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who founded GAVI (Global Alliance Vaccine Initiative), and the World Health Organization (WHO).  These groups, together with the vaccine makers (Pfizer Moderna etc.) all had monetary stakes and obligations to each other, but not to the citizens of any country.  There are currently 193 nation states signed on to this structure, and each has pledged its allegiance via huge monetary support, and more symbolically via the eery ‘build back better’ speeches, echoing Klaus Schwab in his ‘Great Reset’ book.  All of this is under no scrutiny from the citizens or the government opposition.

Given this context, it is obvious that it does not matter what type of national government was in place before the pandemic.  After almost two years, the entire spectrum of stereotypes and leanings of any government party is irrelevant – pretty much all government powers and their official oppositions support the WEF/UN/WHO anti-democratic lockdowns without question.  Be it Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Labour, Tories, left, right, centre – almost all governments pledged their ‘Build Back Better’ allegiance to the UN/WEF/WHO without exception.  There were token opposers and MPs who denounced the measures, but none were in power and many of these were simply ostracized or simply allowed to ‘vent’ to give the appearance of opposition (‘controlled opposition’ is an old concept).  The majority of the main Western leaders are and were in the WEF and/or World Bank ‘Young Global Leaders’ and/or the ‘Global Leader of Tomorrow’ programs.  That is, the WEF actively produces and grooms ‘approved’ people for positions of government, media, entertainment, corporations, etc.  This includes current leaders such as Angela Merkel, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, etc.  Basically, if a leader is not on board with this grooming process, it is unlikely they will be allowed in any position of leadership in any meaningful way.  Vice-versa, if you notice any opposition to the ‘proper’ narrative, most likely those people will have not been groomed through these WEF groups.

Another term given to this system is the ‘Global Public-Private Partnership’ (GPPP), per Iain Davis (‘Pseudopandemic: The New Normal Technocracy’).  This describes the system above as a network of stakeholder capitalists, with sovereign governments and their citizens at the bottom of the structure, serving only as passive consumers of ideas, goods, and services deemed necessary by those at the top. 

From Iain Davis: “The GPPP controls global finance and the world’s economy. It sets world, national and local policy (via global governance) and then promotes those policies using the mainstream media (MSM) corporations who are also “partners” within the GPPP.  In this way the GPPP control many nations at once without having to resort to legislation. This has the added advantage of making any legal challenge to the decisions made by the most senior partners in the GPPP (it is an authoritarian hierarchy) extremely difficult.  With the arrival of GPPP’s we were witnessing the birth of the process to formalise this relationship, the creation of a cohesive world order. The politicians have simply stuck to the script ever since. They didn’t write it.  The GPPP would certainly like to run a world government, but imposition by overt force is beyond their capability. Therefore, they have employed other means, such as deception and propaganda, to promote the notion of global governance.”

“The GPPP will oversee everything. Every government, all business, our so-called communities (where we live) and each of us individually. We are not the priority. The priority is the planet. Or so the WEF claim.  Centralised control of the entire planet, all its resources and everyone that lives on it is the core ethos of the GPPP. There is no need to interpret GPPP intentions, we don’t have to read between the lines. It is stated plainly in the introduction to the WEF’s Great Reset initiative.”

Courtesy Iain Davis, ‘Pseudopandemic: The New Normal Technocracy

The World Economic Forum itself holds the additional ties and means to propagate the change into the new technocratic world (or ‘technetronic era’ per Zbigniew Brzezinski):

  1. The Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) is a premier forum for governments, global corporations and international entrepreneurs. Founded in 1971 by engineer and economist Klaus Schwab, the WEF describes its mission as “shaping global, regional and industry agendas” and “improving the state of the world”. According to its website, “moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.”
  2. The WEF was, together with the Gates Foundation, a sponsor of the prescient “Event 201” coronavirus pandemic simulation exercise, held in New York City on October 18, 2019 – the same day as the opening of the Wuhan Military World Games, seen by some as “ground zero” of the global pandemic. China itself has argued that US military athletes may have brought the virus to Wuhan.
  3. The WEF has been a leading proponent of digital biometric identity systems, arguing that they will make societies and industries more efficient, more productive and more secure. In July 2019, the WEF started a project to “shape the future of travel with biometric-enabled digital traveler identity management”. In addition, the WEF collaborates with the ID2020 alliance, which is funded by the Gates and Rockefeller foundations and runs a program to “provide digital ID with vaccines”. In particular, ID2020 sees the vaccination of children as “an entry point for digital identity.”
  4. The WEF founder Klaus Schwab is the author of the book COVID-19: The Great Reset, published in July 2020, which argues that the coronavirus pandemic can and should be used for an “economic, societal, geopolitical, environmental and technological reset”, including, in particular, advancing global governance, accelerating digital transformation, and tackling climate change.
  5. The WEF has been running, since 1993, a program called “Global Leaders for Tomorrow”, rebranded, in 2004, as “Young Global Leaders”. This program aims at identifying, selecting and promoting future global leaders in both business and politics. Indeed, quite a few “Young Global Leaders” have later managed to become Presidents, Prime Ministers, or CEOs of almost all major countries/corporations.
Digital Identity: The 2018 vision of the World Economic Forum